Wednesday, 16 July 2008

Avignon - Olympic pool, Île de la Barthelasse

It's easy to miss this pool, as it is "hidden" along a driveway behind a cafe and restaurant. We found it on our last morning in Avignon when we went for a walk along the island in the Rhône, Île de la Barthelasse.

The weather wasn't ideal for swimming, and the pool had only just opened for the season, but a couple of souls were ploughing up and down and a few kids were playing around.

We had a tea and a coffee at the poolside lovely cafe, which is separate to the pool itself.

Visit: 15 June 2008


  1. Anonymous12:18 pm

    It looks very nice even though it's almost empty.

  2. Anonymous9:33 am

    This is a wicked pool. I swam here in 2003 in the height of Summer - they have a rule no boardies allowed. I have never walked into a pool and seen so many budgie smugglers in my life.

    Managed to return there in 2007 and unfortunately it has since been taken over by a private company and the entrance price is now ridiculous so didnt get to swim again.

    Amazing location though and a beautiful pool.

  3. Hi worker. Yes, it seemed very inexpensive (10 Euros I think) compared to other, public, pools in France, which seemed much more reasonable - more like 3 or 4 Euros. Still, that is cheap compared to places I sought out in Italy, where 30 Euro for a casual user was not uncommon!
